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Goals and Values

Continual improvement in people’s health as a result of research being converted to practical benefit. Better health for the population with better care for the individual.


In partnership with the communities we serve, we will be an imaginative, collaborative and engaged participant in the process that begins with rigorous health research and ends in realized health benefits and by doing so give the vision of Al-Quds its best expression.

The Al-Quds Public Health Society (AQPHS) is a unique community of researchers, clinicians, students and advocates affiliated with Al-Quds University dedicated to improving people’s health as a result of research being converted to practical benefit.  

Established in 2013, The AQPHS was founded and continues to be led by Ziad A. Abdeen, PhD who is a national leader in health research, epidemiology and nutrition.


The AQPHS facilitates and promote collaboration among public health experts in the region by bringing the best minds together to advance the field of public health. Our mandate is unique and with the counsel of our multidisciplinary Leadership Council of basic science, transnational and clinical experts our work extends across all disciplines far beyond public health and nutrition. The AQPHS is the only entity in the area that promotes knowledge uptake of health research into the realms of health care delivery, practice and policy.


Research Division

AQPHS researchers conduct approximately 12 significant long-term research projects.

The highquality of AQPHS  research is due to our outstanding scientists and acollaborative approach made possible by our position as a leading, independentresearch institute. Our independence provides an ideal setting for healthresearchers to step out of competing arenas and to collaborate in researchareas of mutual interest. The synergies created through these partnershipsfacilitate interdisciplinary health research that could not easily beduplicated by a single research society working alone.

Research Division

Research Theme

AQPHS houses a multidisciplinary research environment. With many Investigators and a large research support staff,  AQPHS mission is focused on nutrition and health research.


Research Themes


Contact Us

Contact Us

Our Address

1-  10 Ibn Batouta  Street , Jerusalem 

2-  Bethany , West Bank

P.O. Box: 20760 \\ Tel./Fax: 02. 571 77 93

Opening Hours

Saturday – Thursday  09:00AM – 15:00PM


© 2017 by AQPHS

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