Population Nutrition
The aim of the work within Population Nutrition Research (PNR) is to identify diet-disease relationships through the assessment of dietary intakes and health outcomes of populations.
Led by Dr Ziad Abdeen, this is achieved through the creation and maintenance of comprehensive and contemporary food composition databases, the development of innovative dietary assessment and statistical tools, and provision of guidance to collaborators on the appropriate use of dietary methodologies.
PNR specializes in dietary assessment using dietary records or recalls and the analysis of dietary data, in terms of food and nutrient intakes and dietary patterns and behaviors. PNR collaborates with other research groups to provide dietary assessment and analysis expertise for studies of all types and sizes from intervention studies to national surveys.
The work of the PNR group is summarised in the figure below, which illustrates the interface of the methodological aspects of the work and its public health significance.

Bioinformatics and Biostatistics
The Unit provides services that include statistical bioinformatics consultation on study design, sample size and power calculations, randomization and stratification procedures, data collection form design, database development and management, and study monitoring and data analysis plans. Interim and final statistical analyses are available using state-of-the-art statistical and computing methodologies. We develop, test and implement various techniques of data management and statistical analysis, including mathematical modeling and bioinformatics, applicable to different type of research. The expertise of the Unit’s investigators includes: clinical trials, survival data analysis and modeling, mathematical modeling, multivariate modeling of cancer prognosis, linear and non-linear regression methods, mixed linear models, bioinformatics, informatics methodology research, microarray data analysis, epidemiologic methods, meta-analysis, longitudinal data analysis, categorical data analysis, data coordinator center methodology, and data management and quality control procedures. Input into the development of methodology for novel experimental designs and statistical analyses are also available.
Services also include the development and management of research databases; data entry, verification, and quality control; and computer programming and network communications. In addition to web-based data management system development and maintenance, microarray applications, and general web design and programming.

It offers expert research design consultation focusing on population selection, measurement, study design, compliance and follow-up assessment to investigators at the Institute.

Psychosocial Research
psychosocial research in health entails an approach to service users as biological, emotional, social and cultural subjects. It positions the individual in networks of interpersonal relationships, organisations, and socio/political/economic systems. The knowledge base draws on the social and psychological sciences, political theory, social policy, philosophy and cultural studies. It has applications in social work and social care, nursing, community and youth work, and shares a natural affinity with the arts and humanities.

Tropical and Emerging Infectious Diseases
Palestine may be a tropical paradise, but its climate provides a fertile breeding ground for many tropical infectious diseases.
The Tropical and Emerging Infectious Diseases Unit is world renowned for its work in preventing and treating tropical infections and life threatening stings and bites and tracing the natural history of these microscopic and macroscopic killers.
Our state-of-the-art laboratory equipment and methods are used to unravel the mysteries of infectious diseases in our region and to guard against new and expanding threats to our health in the light of environmental challenges such as climate change.

Child Health
The building blocks for good health are laid early in life.
That is why the Institute researchers are striving to discover ways to prevent and treat conditions which are affecting the health of Palestinian children.
Poor health and poor education are strongly linked. A child suffering from poor nutrition or multiple ear infections will have poor concentration and learning ability which can seriously affect the way they live their lives into the future.
Here at AQPHS we want to help children of today become the healthy adults of tomorrow. That is why we conduct research that matters. We don’t just collect data, we discover solutions. Our researchers are discovering better ways to treat common problems and we are teaching local people how to improve the health of the next generation of adults.

Drug Discovery
Drug Discovery and Development Research Technology Unit(DDRU).
As part of a drug discovery campaign the unit specialises in the use of innovative drug discovery tools for the development of drugs targeted for treatment of infectious and other endemic diseases. The Middle East possesses a myriad of novel and isolated natural products with potential use as drugs from its abundant biodiversity.

Clinical Sciences
Treatment Decisions- reflected in the research efforts of members of the disciplines of Primary Medical Care, Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Public Health. It includes research into therapeutic aspects of the doctor/patient or therapist/client relationship and clinical decision-making; cost-effectiveness and pragmatic trials of treatment strategies; and qualitative research with professionals and their patients/clients to explore the underlying processes. It is informed by, and in turn informs Health Psychology theory, and some of the research studies underway in this area benefit from collaboration with members of the School of Psychology.
The main foci within this theme are the determinants of outcome in cancer, the prevention and management of renal failure, occupational causes of musculo-skeletal disorders, and chemical hazards in the workplace.

Cancer Research
The Unit in collaboration with others outside AQPHS, are involved in descriptive, analytical and genetic epidemiology of childhood cancer, studies of medical care and outcomes in those in whom it is diagnosed, and the preventive/policy measures by which childhood cancer occurrence might be reduced.

Cell Biology
The research field of the Institute is the molecular aspects of the relationship between parasite and host in tropical diseases.

Genetics and Health
This unit supports research on the human and model genomes and on all aspects of genetics, basic biochemistry and cell biology related to health and disease, including the translation of knowledge into health policy and practice, and the societal implications of genetic discoveries.

Population Sciences
The Unit aims to support research to enhance health in relation to diet, improve the health of populations and promote health equity in Palestine and globally through research and its application to policies, programs, and practice in nutrition, public health and other sectors.